Aden-Abyan Army Nominated a New Leader succeeding Abo Al-Hasan [Archives:1999/35/Local News]

August 30 1999

Yemen Times has known from a reliable source that a new leader has been chosen for Aden-Abyan Army, succeeded by Zain Al-Abedin, Abo Baker Al-Mehdar, (called Abo Al-Hasan), who is still waiting for his final sentence in the Zongobar Preliminary Court. This happened after many of Shabwah’s sheikhs’ efforts, not to verify the sentence made against him and his friends, came to nothing. It is worth mentioning that the new leader has held a session with high outstanding figures in the Aden-Abyan Army and decided that in case the court verifies the sentence, they will do aggressive actions against the government.
On another level, the lawyers of the defendants were able to present an appeal to the sentences made against them. The appeal was introduced to the Prosecutor’s office last Monday August 23, 1999. They also complained that their defendants were put in the Political Security in Sana’a, which is not a normal thing because they should be in the Central Prison, not in the Political Security.
