After 10 Years of Unification [Archives:2000/21/Focus]
Dr. Tawfeek Mojahed Al-Salehi
The 22 of May is a remarkable and unforgettable day in the history of all Yemenis. It is the day in which Yemenis are again together.
On this memorable day Yemenis forget whatever misfortunes occurred in the past. The happiness that they felt gave no room to recall a thing but to live the moment of being together once again. They also ponder about the future and prosperity of the erstwhile two countries under one leadership and authority. Their long-awaited dream could finally come true on this day. It came at a time of desperation and hopelessness to revive feelings as well as sentiments of the people and kindle their hope for a better future.
People in the two parts of the country could finally heave a sigh of relief, for they could finally come together.
The unity was not only a great example of social solidarity among the Yemenis but also a great harbinger of their dreams, hopes, ambitions and prospects for the future. The net gain of achieving all these is the democratic system that was adopted as the only path for modernism, advancement, and social equity. All these essential and noble values are associated with the unity.
Now after ten years of the unification, the question that pops up in everybody’s mind is what we have achieved so far for the people; for improving their living conditions; their security; their democratic, social, cultural and political rights.
Answers to these questions may vary from one person to another. However, after 10 years of the unification, our situation now is more than obvious. I also believe that it is time the authority reviewed all the dimensions of life in Yemen. It is also true that we realize and will never enjoy the fruits of the unification unless all Yemenis take part in it. The authority, opposition and all sections of the society have to participate in the development of the country. No one can marginalize the role of the other.
We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the unification and in our point of view the best thing we can do for the unity is to solve all the difficulties, economic as well as political that are facing Yemen and forcing its way into the new millennium. The celebrations should not at all make us forget the hurdles and problems that pose dangers threatening the unity.
It is only advisable to reckon with the crisis the unity is undergoing. This crisis has, then, to be seriously addressed. This is true if we would like to ensure its sustainable development into the second decade. Therefore, social peace among all those who contribute to the establishment of the unity is a must. That is so because Yemenis could achieve social peace by the time the unity was declared. However, during the past 10 years, this peace was demolished by conflicts, killings, crises, etc.
Our country is facing many difficulties and the people are suffering due to different factors. There is a sharp deterioration in the living conditions of the people. That is so because of the deplorable economic situation of the country that has its negative impact on almost all dimensions of life. Crises tend to dominate education, security, politics, thought and culture. The extent of corruption has exceeded its logical limits under the unity which appears to be one of its greatest gains.
Finally, I would like to say that answers to all question marks are urgently needed. Democracy is still the main pillar and basis of the unity that should be practiced in letter and spirit. People who dreamt of the unity and struggled for it have after ten years the right to feel at least some rest and peace.