Agony of Hope of Yemeni Intellectual Inactivity A Bane Permeating into Society [Archives:2000/50/Focus]

December 11 2000

Yemen Times
Taiz Office
We would like to discuss one of the most significant issues that has disastrous consequences on society. It is inactivity which stands firmly as a barrier before any forward step made by any society. Our society is no exception.
The other day, I read an interview by YT with a number of people at the helm and high brow pundits. The theme of the interview was highlighting the recent-day position of the Yemeni intellectual. In fact, I was deeply impressed by such strenuous efforts by YT to focus on issues concerning culture and society. It is culture and intellectuals who determine the destiny of a country and contribute to the advancement of the civilization.
In the endeavor, civilized people create a great number of intellectuals who participate in creating stepping stones for a decent life. However, it is distressing to note that the Yemeni intellectual remains withdrawn in the corridor of ignorance. These things are wrongfully practiced against him by king-pins and persons who are in positions of responsibility who ignore his terrible sufferings, show a lack of concern, overlook the need for support for fulfillment of his aspiration of shifting from the recent dark position into a richer life through more effective and efficient performance. The people concerned in the government have been talking about their financial problems, especially those in the Ministry of Culture, giving hollow excuses and making no practical solutions. Thus, we are confronted with the sordid reality that we are not preparing our youngsters for tomorrow and thus our potential and faculties remain dormant. I wonder how the intellectual can pursue knowledge, perusing standard books and authors in the absence of libraries containing the storehouse of human wisdom. In addition to this its very difficult for the intellectual to get his work published and thus lots of creative pundits and talents are kept confined.
If we reckon the recent cultural scene to be full of positive improvements, especially creative writings, we should pave the way for the intellectual to become established.
Recently, private cultural institutions have shown too much prejudice. The fall-out is that the desired role of those private institutions in improving the local cultural scene doesnt prove to be effective, and thus the future prospects of most intellectuals are mortgaged to a dark future.
In conclusion, I hope this investigation initiated by YT will succeed in achieving the goals it had aimed at. I would like to receive feedback on the issue from our readers, both inside and outside the country. You are most welcome to share with us your suggestions and views which would certainly make the end-result of such investigation worth-while. Its true that civilization is only made by enlightened and high-brow individuals. Yet, many people choose clinging to ignorance and inactivity.

Oh sparks of moon, for thee I seek
Oh starts of noon, dust off thy reek
Stand by thee, get sight of light
Defame incult, discard that sleek
