Al-Azzani Remembered [Archives:2001/42/Culture]

October 15 2001

Saleh Abdulbaqi
Cultural Editor
Yemen Times
The glorious period that Aden witnessed in the 1950s and 1960s made it a springboard for thought, culture and politics. This was not restricted to Yemen alone but it extended over the whole Arabic Peninsula and the Gulf countries.
Among these eminent and creative Yemeni talents, we find Mohammed Saleh Azzani. In a short period, Al-Azzani achieved what no one could achieve in his age in the field of singing. His talent is endless and allows him to be very creative in the composition of modern songs. He was greatly admired by the great singers Mohammad Morshed Nagi and Mohammad Sa’ad Abdullah. The deceased singer, Ahmad Bin Ahmad Kasem, offered him a song entitled “I Believe I Love you” which was performed by the singer Ahmad Mahyoob.
Al-Azzani was born in Aden in 1964. He grew up and studied there. He attended Al-Nahdha School where Mohammed Murshed Nagi had the leading impact to make Al-Azzani’s voice echoed in the world of songs. In 1985, he presented the first artistic work of his life.
He is so gifted that he can create and bridge any artistic work. He met the great singer, Mohammad Mohsen Atrosh who has had the greatest influence on him. The latter praised Al-Azzani for his voice abilities.
Then, Al-Azzani sang a number of wonderful songs that were aired on Aden Radio Station. In this short period of time, he gained huge popularity and love by the audience.
During his artistic career, he created and composed so many songs.
As he could not achieve the popularity he was aspiring for, he sought another environment where he could prosper. He went to Djibouti to participate in artistic festivals.
In short, his marvelous and unique voice granted him large success. So, he could achieve what many Yemeni singers were unable to.
