Al-Udeini Protests His Removal from Posts [Archives:2001/43/Local News]
In a letter to Mr. Mahbub Ali, Chairman of the Yemeni Journalist Syndicate, Sadeq al-Udeini expressed objection to the latest decisions of the Syndicate to appoint a Secretary to the Press Freedom Committee and a General Manger for the Syndicate Chairman’s office, posts that he has been holding since July 10, 2001.
No reasons for appointing new personnel for the same positions held by al-Udeini were given, and there had been no prior notice as to dispense with his services. However, the Chairman of the Freedoms Committee at the Syndicate told journalists that removal of al-Udeini from the Press Freedoms Committee was related to his writings about violations of press freedom and harassment exercised against journalists.
Al-Udeini, in cooperation with the Human Rights Information and Training Center (HRITC), is currently preparing to publish a book on violations of press freedom in Yemen.
Copies of the letter were sent to the Chairman of the Arab Journalists Union, Secretary General of the Union and Chairman of the Freedoms Committee, Legal Advisor to the YJS, chief editors and corespondents of local, Arab and foreign newspapers and human rights organizations.