American Flour Aid to Burn [Archives:2000/50/Front Page]
The Eastern Court of Ibb ordered last week to burn 5400 sacks of flours presented as an American Aid to Yemen after it has been proved unsuitable for human consumption. However, the Economic Corporation seems to refuse the orders.
Informed sources in Ibb said that some flour sacks had been distributed to bakeries and that so many people were complaining about the quality of bread.
Mrs. Donna Visocan, the American Economic and Commercial Attaché in the American Embassy, in Sana’a has largely put blame on the Yemeni authorities regarding the spoiled flour. In a meeting with vice chairman of the Yemeni Society for Consumer’s Protection, Mr. Hamoud Al-Bukhaity, she said that it was the carelessness in storing the flour that spoiled it. She added that Yemen had the right to reject any shipment if it was spoiled.
Informed sources revealed that some influential people in the Economic Corporation are trying to sell the shipment while false reports about burning it are being registered.