American NGO supports Yemeni professor [Archives:2003/646/Local News]

June 30 2003

One of the world's largest medical non-governmental organizations, American Heart Association (AHA) has expressed in supporting scientific research and programs in the Republic of Yemen. Among the programs that AHA will support is a 3-year scientific program currently being carried out by Yemeni professor Mustafa al-Absi.
The scientific program of the Yemeni professor would focus on the effect of biological and behavioral factors along with psychological stress on heart diseases and the role of chemical elements in causing severe psychological stress especially after having certain drugs.
The scientific program of Prof. al-Absi will help uncover new information that would enable doctors to identify those who are likely to have heart diseases.
The program started after Prof. Al-Absi and his team carried out several researches and studies in the USA and Germany, resulting in fascinating outcomes that helped discover those who are exposed to coronary heart diseases.