Another KO win for undefeated Yemeni boxer [Archives:2008/1127/Last Page]

February 7 2008

By: Yousef Mawri
For Yemen Times

MICHIGAN – “The Lion's” roar echoed around the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan Friday night, Feb. 1, when rising welterweight boxer Ibrahim aka Brian Mihtar knocked out Mikhail Lyubarski in the closing minutes of Round 2, improving his record to nine wins, zero losses and eight knockouts.

With his entourage, including famed Detroit-based boxing promoter Joseph Donofrio, Mihtar made his way into the ring before an estimated 12,000 fans. The fight's opening round started with both fighters feeling each other out, but it wasn't long before Mihtar took the initiative in delivering a knockout hook that sent his opponent staggering to the floor in Round 2.

After the first knockdown, Lyubarski realized he couldn't win the fight, so he began using dirty tactics to throw Mihtar off his game plan. At one point, the referee stopped the bout, warning Lyubarski for holding and headlocking his opponent.

Thirty seconds later, the fight was stopped again; however, this time it was because Lyubarski couldn't get back to his feet to continue fighting because of three straight hooks from “The Lion” which knocked him out to end the fight and crown Mihtar as the winner of the All-Americas Title Eliminator.

“I was happy with my performance, even though my opponent was a little dirty with me in the ring. I managed to stay composed, showing my experience, patience and maturity as a fighter, which led to me getting what I had hoped for, which was another knockout win.”

The fight in the ring wasn't the only bout Mihtar faced Friday night, as a discrepancy broke out in the middle of the Palace as Mihtar made his way back to the locker room. A Puerto Rican boxer known as “The Black Rooster” approached Mihtar in a taunting manner and challenged him to a future event.

“The Lion” got in his face and replied, “I'll fight you right now!” which led to a huge scuffle that had to be restrained by police officers. After the scuffle was diffused, Mihtar apologized for the incident and made his way back to his locker room to celebrate with his friends and family.

With high fan demand to see more of Mihtar taking center action, the Palace of Auburn Hills fight was what many fans had been hoping to see. Having sold nearly $10,000 in tickets, the Palace event was a good indicator of his growing popularity and dedicated fan base. As many promoters seek to showcase him in future events, Mihtar is becoming one of Michigan's most marketable and talked about prospective fighters.

Because of this latest victory, Mihtar finally will get the opportunity to compete for the Feb. 22 World Boxing Foundation All-Americas Title in his hometown of Dearborn or Feb. 29 in Indiana, if all goes well with promotion.