Another noble man dies [Archives:2003/03/Viewpoint]

January 20 2003

Just a few weeks after the death of Jarallah Omer, the second most powerful man in the Yemeni Socialist Party (YSP), we are now shocked with the news of the death of yet another honorable person who has contributed greatly to Yemen in all forms.
That person is Brigadier Yahya Al-Mutawakkil.
Despite his might and strength as a key figure in the country’s ruling party, he was known as a humble man with balanced views in politics. He was a man of principles and would agree with those who opposed him if he knew their view was right. Unlike many powerful politicians today, he was flexible and would listen to other opinions.
We as Yemenis will miss him very much as he was able to gain the respect and admiration of many people of various political, social, and ethnic groups of the community.
Al-Mutawakkil knew that we are in an era that requires more tolerance and understanding of various opinions presented, no matter how extreme they can be. We cannot and should not reject another simply because of his or her opinions. Rather, we should try to find common ground.
This was the ideology of the man who was once described by one of his closest friends as “a man of balance and wisdom.” He along with Dr. Abdulkareem al-Iryani have been the driving forces and dynamos of the ruling party. Now the GPC will need to find alternatives and raise a young generation that can help promote its ‘balanced’ ideas even more.
It’s no doubt that the demise of al-Mutawakkil is not only a loss for the GPC but it is also a loss for all Yemenis alike. He was an understanding man for all Yemenis from different political groups and affiliations.
Let us all pray for God to give his soul rest in heaven, along with martyr Jarallah Omer who will also live in our memories for years to come.
