Antonella Cerrano to YT:22.5 million Euros dedicated to projects in Yemeni [Archives:2005/865/Health]
Movimondo is an Italian NGO based in Rome working in the field of international cooperation and development since 1971. It operates through development programmes and emergency relief actions in several countries throughout the world such as Africa, Central and Latin America, Mediterranean Basin and Balkans, Middle and Far East.
Movimondo's priority areas of intervention are: De-centralized cooperation and local Development, Food Security, Disaster Prevention, Public health, and Protection of Human rights.
Ismael Al-Ghabri of the Yemen Times interviewed Ms. Antonella Cerrano, the country representative in Yemen – Movimondo.
Q: What is Movimondo's main goal, and policy?
A: Movimondo main goal is to work with the community for the community in partnership with Institutions and associations in order to improve the well being of the beneficiaries.
This is our strategy based on a community approach that involves not only the beneficiaries, but also institutions, associations and local authorities. The reasons for this approach lay in the belief that working for and with the community can be an effective way to improve livelihood conditions to build partnership aimed at developing and strengthening local policies.
MM carries out humanitarian assistance actions implementing several projects in the sectors of training, capacity building and with special attention to the most vulnerable social groups such as children, women and disables which are the target of our projects.
Movimondo's policy is to strengthen local institutions and associations by working n their capacity building and to give technical assistance in social/health/agriculture/ environmental sectors.
Q: When did Movimondo start working in Yemen? And what are the fields of your interventions?
A: Movimondo is active since the 1997/98 in many countries of the Middle East, such as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine Territories, and Yemen.
Our commitment in such a difficult contest is strongly characterized by the support to vulnerable groups, through projects aiming at providing assistance to disabled people, or at rehabilitating and strengthens primary health structure, schools, and kindergartens.
Movimondo has been operational in Yemen since July 1998, and in the region concerned by Soqotra Island since August 2000. In the island of Soqotra, Movimondo has been present since August 2000 with two ECHO (European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office), funded operations.
In the country (mainland) Movimondo implemented projects related to both the humanitarian as well as development field. Various donors, amongs that ECHO, funded projects. The organization has later on continued to work in the country in the same sector implanting projects funded by different donors (such as UNICEF, British Embassy, etc.). MM has developed in Yemen a positive relationship with the local Ministry of Health through collaborating in several projects in the Social and Sanitation Area. Movimondo has also worked since August 2000 in a post-emergency context in Soqotra Island rehabilitation some schools and secondary roads damaged by 1999 floods.
Moreover Movimondo implemented (in the mainland) two projects related to the establishment of physical rehabilitation services in the country. At the time being the organization is implementing a development project in the disability field funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Q: How many projects did the organization implement in Yemen?
A: The experience of MM in the sector of aid towards disable people in Yemen led to the formulation of the ongoing physical project ” Upgrading of Public Services for Physical Rehabilitation and early detection of motor disabilities in Sana'a and Aden.” This project started in 2001 and is supported by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The local partners are the High Institute for Health Science (H.I.H.S) in Sana'a and Aden.
This is the first training program in Yemen which will led to qualifying specialized professional physiotherapists, until now the training was foreseen only abroad or in Yemen though short – term courses.
In order to complete the training program of these professional physiotherapists, the project has foreseen – in its initial phase- a specific training for the personal already qualified employed in public bodies as state hospitals with the aim of selecting tortures in charge of following the training activities of future students. For the practical activities, students have been trained in physiotherapy units of public hospital both in Sana'a and Aden.
Rehabilitation services existing in those hospitals have been improved through the implementation of rehabilitation works and the provision of rehabilitation material and technical assistance in order to offer adequate and proper training facilities.
Q: Could you elaborate on your support in the health sector, as an example?
A: One of our projects was about upgrading of public services for physical Rehabilitation and Early Detection of Motor Disability in the cities of Sana'a and Aden. It was implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), and targeted the students in training and among Yemeni population children and adults, affected by motor disability. The general objective of this project is to contribute to the improvement of public physical rehabilitation services in the country, at the referral system level. And specifically this project has a number of objectives:
What we basically do is to provide a three years physiotherapy course at the High Institute for Health science (HIHS), a one-year re-qualification training course for physiotherapy personnel currently in service as public health employees and not certified physiotherapists in addition to supplying educational material to the HIHS. We also provide supplies of physiotherapy equipment to five physiotherapy services in Aden and Sana'a. We also provide Provision of technical assistance by Movimondo's expatriate team.
Q: Any last words?
A: I would like to give my thanks to our Yemeni Counterparts:
Thanks to these public bodies in charge of paramedical personnel training under the direct supervision of the Ministry of public health and population (MOHP), MOP, Movimondo has been able to carry out the training activities increasing the offer of these local Institutions concerning the first specialization leading to the first physiotherapists trained in Yemen.
I also wish to underline the important contribution to the success of our project.
Finally, I do wish the best to the first graduated physiotherapist here in Yemen with the hope they will achieve full satisfaction in their next working occupation. Thanks to all of you for your kind attention.