As Yemen Times asked last week “WHAT NEXT” in terms of Kidnapping, it didn’t need to wait for long: MILITARY MACHINE CRUSHES JAHM [Archives:2000/27/Front Page]

July 3 2000

At least 3 people were killed, one of which was a child, and tens injured in the clashes that took place between Al Zayidi tribe and military forces in Mareb governorate. The conflict originated in response to the latest bizarre action of the kidnapping of Military Officers of the Republican Guard Army (originally from Sanhan) by the Jahm tribesmen in Serwah, 70 km west of Mareb City. The story started when 6 high ranking officers were kidnapped in an attempt to force the release of one of the tribe’s prominent figures, who is currently held in prison. But the officers’ release was secured on Thursday after tremendous forces stormed the area and mediators convinced the tribesmen that they will work on releasing their prisoner. However, the bombardment continued even after the release of the officers, and according to eye witnesses, tens of houses were destroyed and other houses along with some vehicles were intentionally set on fire as heavy blasting continued.
It was earlier mentioned that the conflict started when a number of tribesmen expressed discomfort with the military forces in their region, resulting in an exchange of fire, which lead to the murder of one soldier and explosion of the situation.
In the evening of Saturday, President Saleh interfered by ordering the halting of the military offensive and the withdrawal of some military forces from the area. Even though the President’s ordered were obeyed, yet the damage was already inflicted. Among the houses that were destroyed because of the random firing, was the house of Vice Commander of the Military Region’s, Brigadier Abdullah Mohamed Al-Zaidi. People of the region are currently pleading to humanitarian and human rights organizations to help in delivering shelter, food, and medicine to the affected families.
“The military forces came to the village, which is 50 meters away from my house, to surround the kidnappers houses. We then emptied the village from families and children while forces bombarded the hideouts of the kidnappers. Only a few men stayed in their houses to guard them, but they were faced by greedy soldiers who later robbed their homes. After the soldiers had robbed the homes and stolen all the significant belongings of the villagers, they set the houses on fire (see photo). What has happened to us, did not happen in Kosovo or Chechnya, it is even more outrageous.” said Naji bin Saleh. About the offensive, Mohamed Hizam Al-Zayidi, whose house was also destroyed said, “the language of robbery is the only language that is known and used among these soldiers. We will never let this go without punishment, and shall defend our honor and dignity as long as we are alive.”
On the other hand, tribesmen of Jahm held a meeting and decided to react confidently and solidly against what happened. Currently, most of the families are left homeless living in caves and mountains as a result of the offensive.
This kidnapping incident is the latest in a series, but the first of its kind. It was earlier reported by tourist agencies and other companies involved that the latest two kidnapping incidents of Europeans resulted in a European Union’s ban against travel to Yemen. As a consequence, a large number of Italian and French tourists have cancelled their visits to the country. “Because of the kidnapping of the Italian archeologist, the Italian season has been blown off just like that” one of the owners of a tourist agency said. It is ridiculous to see how kidnapping incidents continue in such pace. But what is even more ridiculous is to solve this issue by force, resulting in the murder and injury of innocent villagers.
