As Yemen Times Improves More and More GREAT, GREATER, GREATEST.. [Archives:1999/32/Front Page]
We Did it! That is what comes to mind when seeing Yemen Times develop every day through publishing better contents, with a better format, with a better structure, and also with a new spirit. A spirit that makes us all in the Yemen Times, feel that there will be a brighter future for the paper. The truth is that indeed, the paper continues to develop, in spite of the doubts of some people that it would die after its publisher had passed away, and also in spite of all the obstacles it had faced.
Lots of effort, a strong will, and good motives were the main factors behind our success in publishing this renewed and enhanced issue of the Yemen Times. From now on, the readers will witness changes almost on a weekly basis for some time. They will witness enhancements to the contents and layout and stronger reliability in dealing with local and international issues.
As always, Yemen Times staff has been working together with cohesion and trust to represent Yemen in the best way. We want to show that there is a newspaper in Yemen that can independently finance itself and bring new ideas to the journalism sector. As the first privately owned newspaper to be published in English, we think that we had succeeded in proving to the community that there if there is a will, there is a way. We had the well, and made it through. Today, Yemen Times stands tall in history to prove that nothing is impossible.
The founder of Yemen Times, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, had established a very strong and organized establishment. Every day we think of the future of the paper and commit ourselves in making it better and better. We have a dream, and it is the same dream of Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf. That dream is making Yemen Times a daily. We are studying the possibility of making it a bi-weekly as a first step. We know that there are thousands of people out there supporting us all the time. As we thank them for their support, we promise them that we will never rest until we turn the newspaper into a daily. Dear Founder, rest in peace, and we will do the rest.