Book in a Newspaper, Conference Winds up Tomorrow [Archives:2002/02/Local News]

January 7 2002

Activities of the conference on ”A Book in a Newspaper are winding up tomorrow.
The event which was attended by UNESCO General manager and some chief editors and cultural editors of around 16 Arab newspapers, highlighted the experience of the project since 1997 as well as the books that would be circulated, the non-oral Arab heritage and the prizes suggested by the al-Hariri Establishment to be offered for Arab women and children so as to discover their talents.
The UNESCO General manager spotlighted during the meeting last Saturday the question of illiteracy in the Arab world and circulation of books. He said the project aimed at speeding up knowledge in the Arab world, adding that the UNESCO aimed to democratize reading, achieving a sort of cultural partnership. He said: After five years of kicking off the project, we feel proud that 150 books have been circulated and made available to the Arab readers.
On his part, Dr. Abdulaziz al-Maqaleh, Cultural Advisor to president Saleh, described the project as the best in the Arab world at this time of backwardness, poverty and illiteracy. Bahya al-Hariri of the al-Hariri Establishment, one of the sponsors of the project, stressed the need for circulating new books and establishing prizes for women and children to polish their talents.
Anumber of ministers took part in the event which was inaugurated by PM Abdulqader Bajamal.
