Business in Brief [Archives:2007/1085/Business & Economy]
Denmark supports Yemen by 6.2 million Euros
Deputy prime minister for economic affairs Al-Arhabi has stated that Denmark has approved a plan to fund Yemen's development by 6.2 million euros during the years 2007-2008. The assistance will include democratic development, decentralization, media development, human rights and participation of women.
Seche: U.S. is keen on supporting Yemen's Development
The recently appointed U.S. ambassador to Yemen Steven Seche has told media sources that assisting Yemen's development is one of his prime priorities during his term in serving as an ambassador for the U.S.
PM meets IFC delegation
Prime Minister Mujawar has met with a delegation from the IFC led by Frank Sader, chief strategist of the privet enterprise partnership program in the region, and discussed possible reform programs for the Yemen taxation system to become more efficient and formalized.
Fisheries ministry to undertake market analysis research
Undersecretary of the fisheries ministry Mr. Ghasi Ahmed stated that the ministry will undertake thorough market analysis research to gather data and understand the demand and supply of various types of fisheries in the local market, in order to plan the ministry's activities according to market demands.
Wheat importers to print retail prices on wheat sacks
After discussions with the ministry of trade, Wheat and flour importers have agreed to print the maximum retail price on Wheat sacks in order to ensure that wholesalers and retails do not manipulate consumers and consumers know how much they should pay for the sacks.
WHO increases aid to Yemen to US$ 24 million
Minister of Health and population Dr. Abdulkarim Rasea stated that the World Health Organization decided to increase its support to Yemen to US$ 24 million within the coming two years.
Somali Mayor invites Yemeni investments
Mayor of the Somali capital Magdisho has invited Yemeni businessmen to invest in Somalia in the Trade and Agricultural sector, indicating that the Somali government looks forward to more economic cooperation with Yemen.
Hits Unitel (Y!) inaugurates its Central Hub in Sana'a
The newest GSM Telecommunications provider Hits Unitel has recently inaugurated its Central Hub in Sana'a, with a capacity to serve 500,000 mobile lines as an initial stage. The company will launch its services before the end of the year and plans to offer an aggressive pricing strategy to gain considerable market share.