Call for merging population issues with education [Archives:2005/889/Business & Economy]

October 27 2005

Mahyoub Al-Kamaly
A workshop on poverty alleviation strategy and population issues was held at the Center of Population Training and Studies of Sana'a University. The workshop was organized by the follow-up and monitoring unit of the poverty alleviation strategy at the general secretariat of the national council of population in association with the follow-up and monitoring unit of poverty strategy affiliate of the ministry of planning and international cooperation.

Seventy participants from political guidance of the armed forces and security apparatuses discussed over two days a number of subjects concerning poverty in Yemen, population and reproductive health and also role political guidance of the armed forces and security plays in dissemination awareness around the poverty alleviation strategy, the millennium goals and the topics of AIDS and poverty and the woman and poverty.

Deputy Minister of planning and international cooperation Dr Yahya al-Mutawakil reviewed the important policies and programs included in the 2005 national strategy for alleviation of poverty concerning population growth and its relationship with poverty, the ways of tackling that problem and the main results achieved by the national strategy of population and hindrances that faced its implementation progress.

Another workshop discussed the evaluation of population areas and concepts intended to be introduced into general primary & secondary education curriculums. The workshop was attended by 55 participants representing Yemeni universities and specialists from the center of educational research and development. The workshop aimed to get participants acquainted with the proposed population areas lists and what relevant population concepts in order to explore the extent of their convenience to the society in general and to targeted segments in particular.

In the opening ceremony of the workshop organized by population education project in cooperation with United Nations Fund for Population the minister of education Dr Abdulsalam al-Jawfi stressed the significance of merging population concepts and terminology with curricula of general education, indicating that there could not be any discourse around population issues unless we have a distinguished educational mechanism to oversee the developments in these issues.

On his part Dr Saleh Nasser al-Soufi, chairman of the Education Research and Development Center, pointed out the policies adopted by the government to treat population issues within the framework of objective understanding of aspects of steady interconnection between population and economic growth.