Ceasar & Macbeth in Taiz [Archives:1998/24/Last Page]

June 15 1998

The 3rd of June in Taiz was warm and joyful. It was the day of the Annual Literary & Cultural Activities organized by the students of the English Department at Taiz University. This colorful function is a part of the extra-curricular activities to polish up the students’ inventory skills and enable them to show their merits. It comprised various types of activities such as drama acting, poetry recitation, debate and essay writing competitions.
In acting, the participants performed some acts from Macbeth and Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. The audience was very excited about, and impressed with the performance of the participants, particularly of Gameel Al-Muhya acting the role of the porter in Macbeth, and Antony in Julius Caesar, and Gebril Sadeq acting the role of Brutus.
After that a heated and stormy debate was conducted. The motion of the house for debate was “The right place for a woman is in her home.” The most interesting detail in this is that we had male and female participants in both debating groups like Nada Qanbar who kicked off the event by arguing in favor of the motion of the house. Many other students skillfully showed their merits like Gebril Sadeq, Samara Nawfal, Nawal Al-Hayki, Tawfeek Al-Sharaaby, Montaha Mohammed, Ahmed Ali Sanhan, Fahd Al-Khulani and others.
Then, the audience was transported into the world of wisdom and aesthetic joy; the world of poetry, where some students recited poems on the theme of war by various English poets.
In his opening speech, Dr. Durayni, the head of the English Department expressed his great happiness for holding such activities to “refresh the students” memories and explore their dormant faculties for they are the power-house of energy and creativity.”
Dr. Pramoud Kumar, the organizer and motivating power who initiated such activities in the English Department four years ago, was very happy to see his work yielding these fruits. “Holding such activities has become a tradition”, he said, adding, “I am impressed not only with the students’ performance, but also with their courage.”This colorful ceremony concluded with the meritorious students being honored, where Gebril Sadeq got the lion’s share of the prizes.
By Mohammed Hatem Al-Qadhi
Yemen Times
Congratulation Abdullah

Today, Monday, the beloved
Abdullah Mohammed Ba Mashmoos
celebrates his 3rd birthday.
God willing he will celebreate his 100th birthday 🙂
From Dad, Mom, and all family
