Ceilings Without Beams [Archives:2000/13/Focus]

March 27 2000

By: Najma Ali
I may presume that the present reality of state institutions indicates that they are still incomplete with structure and organization, and are in great need of appropriate administration and efficient cadre. Active efforts must be exerted to straighten courses and reform administration and deficiencies prevalent in it. To revive the positive and constructive values in the society, and to get rid of all negative forms in this respect, it is necessary to work for upgrading the ideas needed for running work in such institutions. The objective will be to stand at the threshold of sound development.
Speaking about development, how to achieve it and what is the active power in our society for doing it, we would find out that renewal and updating human and material potentials is the major factor for fulfilling this end. Any construction and reform program should be based on development in order to be successful and fruitful.
In order to start comprehensive development and implement a program for construction and reform it is necessary to pinpoint the major obstacles facing the program. We have to explore the ways and exert serious efforts for eliminating them.
Another major hindrance in this regard is the weakness of planning, supervision and local control by the central apparatus, in addition to weakness of local administration. Conflicting laws and decisions have also led to instability of economic legislations. This has made all try to look for legal gaps to escape and try to outflank the regulations and try to find unofficial channels and twisted ways. One of the causes of some serious consequences is that of the adverse relationship between politics and economy. It appears clearly in subjecting economy to political factors and that clearly leads to serious consequences the price of which is paid by the innocent citizen. It is therefore inevitable and necessary to examine the relationship between politics and economy to be able to attain the level of comprehensive development and raise the standard of the people’s life and provide dignified living.
There is no denying that the program of construction and reform has resulted in many accomplishments in the social services area, but the level of performance is unfortunately is still low. In the sector of education for instance, the level of reform did not work to connect education outputs with requirements of economic and social development, which could be ascribed to the big professional and specialization shortage. There is also weakness in relationship between the university and the society. There is also a remarkable.
Weakness is also traceable in the field of health services, whether in treatment services or in local management in that of health securities and non-supervision on private clinics and pharmacies.
It could be concluded out of all this, the absence of active contribution for achieving comprehensive development that all peoples seek to realize.
