Chess & Tennis Championships in Abyan [Archives:1998/39/Sports]

September 28 1998

Tennis and chess championships were held in the Hassan Club indoor hall in Abyan to celebrate the anniversary of the Yemeni revolution.
In chess, the Shoqra team defeated Hassan 3-1. The Al-Fajr Al-Jadid vs. Ahwar game was considered to have a 4-nil result due to Ahwar’s absence.
Altogether, 18 teams of chess players took part in the championship, divided into three groups:
1- Hassan, Al-Fajr Al-Jadid, Shoqra, Ahwar
2- Saqr, Al-Darraj, Binaa, Al-Jeel, Al-Hilal
3- Irfan, Zara, Oraib, Amaara, Al-Wadhi’, Mukairas, Maeen, Fahman, Al-Mahfad.
The winner in this championship will represent the governorate at the Republic’s Championship, due to be held next October in Aden.
In the tennis championship, on the other hand, nine teams will take part: Hassan, Khanfar, Al-Darraj, Fahman, Ahwar, Irfan, Al-Fajr Al-Jadid, Al-Hilal, and Al-Jeel. The Hassan Sports Club is considered the best in Abyan. It organizes several sports activities for other smaller clubs.