Cleaning Wadi Bana [Archives:2002/16/Health]
Protecting the resources and environment of Wadi Bana, particularly its water, is the concern of a new environment protection society in Nadirah. The committee, headed by Shafiq Saleh Al-Namus, is in its early stages. The Yemen Times interviewed Al-Namus to find more about its goals.
Q: Why is the committee being formed?
A: The torrent of Wadi Bana is facing problems from pollution, specifically sewage of Saddah and the surrounding villages. Personal efforts to keep it clean have failed, so we thought of forming a new group which will be able to find solutions by lobbying people in the environment, parliament, consulting council and the General Board for Environment Protection.
Q: Who came up with the idea?
A: Five months ago a working team from the General Board for Environment Protection visited the area to see the heavy pollution here caused by sewage and waste oil materials. They suggested to form an environmental society. Mr. Ahmed Al-Bahal adopted the project.
Q: What were the procedures?
A: A preparing committee including Mr. Mohammed Al-Asri, a school headmaster, Mr. Ibrahim Tajuddin of Education college, and Ahmed Al-Bahal and Ahmed Ali, a university student was formed under the supervision of the head of local council and miss Najeeba Al-Maamari, the secretary general of the council. Many meetings have been held. We are waiting for Insurance Bureau in the governorate to accept the interior discipline and the sending of a representative to the establishing conference and elections. It is the first society in the governorate.
Q: Which offices support you?
A: Nadirah district manager and Miss Najeeba have supported us with 10,000 YR, and the General Board for Environment Protection.
Q: What will be your future projects?
A: First of all, we shall clean the waterway, then solve the problems of sewage and oils poured into it. We also will be educating people through the press that such problems affect agriculture and human health.
Q: What about popular heritage and antiques?
A: We will cooperate with the General Board for Antiques to protect our antiques in Al-Awd, and we want to initiate social habits and customs in weddings and Eid celebrations.
Q: Any last thoughts?
A: I adjure all by God to pay attention to pollution and try to solve it, otherwise it will be a great disaster. Thanks to all who support us.