COCA Searches for Corrupts: Farwan [Archives:2002/03/Front Page]
January 14 2002

In a statement to the Yemen Times Farwan said the corrupt would be severely punished. He said more then 813 cases related to corruption had been reported to the COCA last year adding that the organization would not show leniency with the corrupts and that the new policy of the COCA relied on transparency and stiffness in dealing with corruption issues. Similarly, Farwan pointed out that the government departments should exercise self-monitoring which would consolidate the work of the COCA.
According to statistics presented by Dr. Farwan the government administrative system employs 400 thousand civil servants out of which only 14% are university graduates. Besides, 66% of the overall government employees are concentrated at the health and education sectors.
Mr. Farwan disclosed that the COCA has a general department entrusted with monitoring the presidency, as well as the ministries of Interior and Defense.