Compulsory Military Service Scrapped [Archives:2001/21/Front Page]

May 21 2001

In a meeting presided by President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the National Defense Council last Wednesday announced the abolition of the Compulsory Military Service as well as exemption fees. They would depend on volunteers to fill military and security forces according to needs and qualifications of applicants. The Council also decided to decrease the number of bodyguards accompanying officials, politicians and prominent social figures. 
Moreover, the council agreed to support security authorities, provide all possible means to make the security strategy a success and develop mechanism of the Ministry of Interior in harmony with the Local Authority Law. 
The last few months were remarkable for deterioration in surveillance leading to increase in tribal violence. 
During the meeting, emphasis was put on the role of security forces to maintain stability, order and fight crimes. It also stressed fighting corruption and speedy implementation of the Financial and Administrative program. 
Preparation for Yemen’s participation in the United Nations peace keepers was also discussed. 
The decision of abolishing the CMS came after Yemen settled all border conflicts with Saudi Arabia, Oman and Eritrea. 
