Computerizing Government Payrolls [Archives:1998/45/Last Page]

November 9 1998

By: Khairiyah Shabibi, 
Yemen Times 
On 5th November, a six week training program for employees of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reform (MCSAR) was concluded at the National Institute for Administration Sciences (NIAS) in Sanaa. In attendance were Mohammed Al-Junaid, MCSAR Minister, Mohammed Dhaiban, Dean of NIAS, Dr. Linda van Gilder, and Onder Yucer, Resident Representative of the UNDP in Yemen. 
“We are embarking on an effort to computerize the government bureaucracy,” the minister said. 
The World Bank helps the Government of Yemen get rid of ghost workers and/or employees who collect multiple salaries. The 40 trainees who came from 10 governorate branches of the ministry received technical training as to how to operate computer payroll programs. “By putting all names of employees on computers, we expect to catch all multiple entries,” the minister added. 
Mr. Dhaiban indicated that all trainers were Yemenis. He added, “NIAS regularly carries out manpower training programs.”