Concern growing over safety of poultrySymposium held on Jambouri disease [Archives:2004/720/Business & Economy]

March 15 2004

Mahyoub Al-Kamaly
While Yemeni official sources have denied the spread of bird flu, poultry companies and administrators of the animal wealth industry recently held a symposium on Jambouri disease in Yemen.
Research presented to the symposium emphasized the significance of poultry industry in a way providing the consumer with healthy and safe production free from diseases.
The symposium stressed on the deepening sense of responsibility with both the state employees and the private sector to produce research in this respect for the service of public interest.
Chairman of the board of directors of Tarim Poultry Company Khalid Taha Mustafa says the care rendered to animal wealth contributes to national revenues and covers the consumer needs, especially with the increase of demand for domestic products.
A Yemeni technical cadre, in cooperation with the poultry company, have recently, at their laboratory in Sana'a, worked out a detailed study on the jumbouri disease that has noticeably spread in Yemen recently.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation is exerting great efforts for modernization of the infrastructure of the animal industry, especially veterinary laboratories, considered the cornerstone for development of research into animal wealth, including poultry.
Participants in the symposium stressed the importance of the ministry of agriculture and irrigation adoption of a program for fighting animal diseases, limiting their spread, implementing regulations and curbing dangers causing the perishing of very young animals, as well as undergrown chickens.
The symposium reviewed important research papers focused on the epidemic situation of the jambouri disease in Yemen, and a diagnostic study on the disease itself.
The symposium recommended concerned authorities for speeding up the taking of measures and researches for protecting the animal wealth and increase of it national production.