Constitutional Ammedment at 3 Different Fronts [Archives:1999/52/Front Page]

December 28 1999

The Ministry of Legal Affairs has finished its job. It has prepared drafts for the constitutional amendments being proposed in three broad categories, as follows: 
– Changing the legal status of the Consultative Council to become a full-fledged upper house with legislative powers; 
– Changing the requirements for presidential candidates, by by-passing the screening role of parliament; and 
– A collection of several other amendments that touch on different issues. 
President Ali Abdullah Saleh gave instructions to prepare the drafts as soon as possible, which has been finalized by the government. Parliament is expected to act on this matter in February 1999. 
A 3/4 majority vote is required to pass the amendments. The ruling People’s General Congress (PGC) party believes it has the needed votes, especially with a deal in the works with Islah MPs. 
The Republic of Yemen had once before, in 1994, amended the 1992 constitution.