Culture News [Archives:2006/972/Culture]

August 14 2006

– Preparations are underway for staging the Al-Qumondan Festival, named for the late Yemeni poet and prince, in Lahj province. Held annually, the festival is expected to launch within two months and will include a host of cultural and artistic activities and performances, as well as a traditional village showcasing a variety of Lahj art styles.

– The first phase of restoring and documenting the Old Sana'a Grand Mosque is due for completion in September by a number of Italian experts working with Yemeni personnel. The entire project is meant to maintain the mosque's buildings and annexes, thus restoring it to its previously gorgeous shape. The Grand Mosque is one of the oldest in the Muslim world.

– Some 40 artists are participating in an art gallery on the capital city streets of Sana'a in a gesture denouncing Israeli aggression against Lebanon. Depicting the bloody atrocities against Lebanese civilians, the paintings being displayed are meant to show solidarity with Lebanese people.

– The Ministry of Culture is preparing for the play, “Go Ahead,” in which a number of Yemeni theater actors are taking part. The play is based on a poem by Palestinian poet Sameeh Al-Qasim. The poem is centered around aggressions against Palestinians and Lebanese by the Israeli occupation. The poem addresses the aggressors, with an excerpt reading, “Go ahead / Go ahead / Every firmament above you is inferno / Inferno is every land beneath you / Go ahead / Go ahead.”