Debate on Local Governance Continues [Archives:2000/31/Local News]
On Wednesday July 26 a consultative meeting was held at RAY headquarters attended by leaderships of political parties and civilian and information organizations. Measures so far taken over the challenge submitted to the Constitutional Office of the Supreme Court on the recently issued Local Authority Law, were reviewed. Meeting also reviewed obstacles blocking the legal case. Participants had discussed means to activate political parties activities on this important and national issue in the forthcoming stage, no matter what the court judgment would be.
Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Al-Shaikh Abubakr, Rapporteur of the National Committee on Local Government(NCLG), Director of RAY head office, who chaired the meeting, told “Yemen Times” that after more than two hours of rational debate, the participants approved to continue with the legal procedures over the issue of Local Government. This should go along with activating opposition movement and avoiding discrepancies which appeared in the submission of the case at information, political and popular levels.
Attendants at the meeting affirmed the role of the NCLG as an authority to follow up this national issue. The Committee offered a unique example in its effective political work both from the view point of its formation and achievement of the National Project for Local Government.
Dr. Abubakr added that the participation of this huge and quantitative number of party leaderships and heads of civilian and information organizations in response to RAY’s invitation, was a positive evidence that they were highly interested in that national issue. He added that differences in viewpoints among opposition organizations should not impede their full cooperation where consensus was needed.