Department of English , Faculty of Education,Amran, Sana’a University, Sana’aAnnual Function Held [Archives:2003/649/Education]

July 10 2003
Dr. S.K. Mukul (C) receiving the certificate of merit from Dr. Abdullah<br>Al-Najaar, Dean (L), as Dr. Abdul Hameed (R) looks on’/><figcaption>Dr. S.K. Mukul (C) receiving the certificate of merit from Dr. Abdullah<br>Al-Najaar, Dean (L), as Dr. Abdul Hameed (R) looks on</figcaption></figure></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class=Dr. Abdullah Al-Najaar,<br>Dean of the Faculty’/><figcaption>Dr. Abdullah Al-Najaar,<br>Dean of the Faculty</figcaption></figure></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class=Dr. Abdul Hameed, Vice Dean
Dr. Abdul Hameed, Vice Dean
Dr. S. K. Mukul, Head of the Dept.
Dr. S. K. Mukul, Head of the Dept.
The Department of English, Faculty of Education, Amran (Sana'a University), following its tradition, organized an annual function on 29th June, 2003 to give farewell to the outgoing Level Four students of the four-year Bachelor's degree course. It was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdullah Al- Najaar, Vice Dean, Dr. Abdul Hameed, Head of the Department of English, Dr. S.K. Mukul, Dr. R. Nair, Mr. Ali Dawley, teachers from other departments and a large number of students. The function started with the recitation of the verses from the Holy Quran.

Certificate of Merit
At the function, the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Najaar awarded the Certificate of Merit to Dr. S.K. Mukul, Head of the Department of English, in recognition of his hard work, excellent teaching and skilful management. He also awarded the certificates to Dr. R.Nair and Mr. Ali Dawley. The Department of English acknowledged a sense of gratitude to the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Najaar, and recognized his merit as a sound scholar and able administrator. It passed a resolution and conferred upon the Dean the Certificate of Merit for his great efforts to promote education and raise its standards. Besides, three students from Level Four, Reema Mohammed, Eman Mohammed and Ahlam Mansoor were also awarded certificates for securing first, second and third ranks respectively in Level Three examinations last year. Many other boys and girls received prizes and certificates for their active participation in curricular and extracurricular activities of the Department.
In his keynote address, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdullah Al-Najaar, appreciated the contributions of Dr. S.K. Mukul and the teachers of the Department and urged the students to emulate their high ideals. He stressed the need of learning English language and using it regularly. When one stops using a language, one forgets it. Practice makes a man perfect. The Vice Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdul Hameed, gave an eloquent speech, appreciating the efforts of the Department of English to help students develop their talents by arranging extracurricular activities.
In his speech, Dr. S.K. Mukul, Head of the Department of English, acknowledged a sense of gratitude to the Dean, the members of the Department and the students without whose active cooperation this function could not have been arranged at the fag end of the academic year. He expressed his sentiments, recounting his past experiences which he had while teaching the outgoing students. He cited quotations from poetry and drama, expressed his mixed feelings of joy and sorrow and called upon students to be honest and hard-working. He said, “Honesty is the best policy.” Nothing can excel this. The beautiful are those who act beautifully. Further, Dr. Mukul asked the students not to be charmed by the physical beauties of the world but to shoulder the responsibilities that they have. They have many promises to keep and many miles to go. Life is a journey indeed. He quoted the lines from Robert Frost's “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”:

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.
At the end, Dr. Nair gave a vote of thanks to the Dean, the Head of the Department of English, its members and the students for their active cooperation.