Despite all the gaps in its previous investigation proceedings regarding Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf’s case Attorney Refuses Reinvestigation & Heir’s Lawyer Threatens to Decline [Archives:1999/29/Front Page]
The second session in the case of the traffic accident that led to the death of Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, Yemen Times Founder, took place in the Traffic Court of Sanaa yesterday, June 18th. Among the attendees were the heirs of the late and their lawyer, Mr. Mohamed Naji Allaw, the Attorney General, and the defendant, his father and their lawyer, Dr. Abdulnasser Al-Zindani. The session started with the Attorney’s response to Allaw’s report, submitted in the last session (see issue 27). Despite the missing information mentioned by Allaw in his report, the attorney surprisingly refused to re-investigate, and insisted on their position regarding the proceedings of their initial inspection, which they claim were justifiable. The prosecution seemed to be siding with the defendants. It claimed and insisted that the incident was not a massive crime. On the other hand, the judge was about to make a judiciary fault in allowing the lawyer of the defendant to defend despite the suspended issue of the claims of Allaw and the response of the attorney. Consequently, Allaw threatened to decline with the heirs if the judge allows this illegal action. Realizing his fault, the judge withdrew his permission convincing Allaw to continue. The judge then kept the report of the attorney to study it and decide whether to enforce reinvestigation or not in the next session, scheduled to take place one week later on the 25th of July 99.