Diplomat and professor seek asylum in Canada [Archives:2002/39/Local News]

September 23 2002

Mr. Riyadh al-Akbari, a former Yemeni ambassador to Baghdad and Dr. Ahmed Basarada, a former information college dean at Sana’a University, applied earlier this month to the Canadian Embassy for political asylum in Canada, an official at the foreign ministry said.
“Although the two persons occupied high positions in the government and in the ruling party as a members of the (PGC) Permanent Committee, but they complained in their request of segregation and suppression on the part of the current regime” Foreign Ministry official confirmed.
Mr. Riyadh al-Akbari, from Hadramout, was one of the leaders who fled to Sana’a after the bloody conflicts of Jan. 16, 1986 in the former south of Yemen. He then joined the Foreign Ministry and occupied many positions, the last was an Ambassador to Baghdad. “The government refused to appoint him in a new governmental position recently due to his criticism of its behavior and corruption” a close source from al-Akbari’s family said.
Dr. Ahmed Basarda, has been exposed to an outrageous campaign for taking part in the formation of the (South Sons Congregation), opposing the government and for acting as its spokesman. This congregation was accused by the government of inciting regional sentiments and harming the national unity for which he was sacked form his post. Other sources confirmed he was sacked because of duplicating a research of another person and publishing it under his name in a news paper.
