Doctors’ syndicate continues strike [Archives:2005/859/Local News]

July 14 2005

Yemeni physicians and pharmacists Syndicate threatened that their strike will become a comprehensive walkout if the ministry of health takes any procedures against any members among them. It insisted of its legal and constitutional right of a strike to express their resentment toward the government that didn't keep the promise of raising their wages statement. Dr. Abdulkawi Al-Shamiry, general secretary of the syndicate in the press appealed to president Ali Abdullah Saleh to interfere to put end to this crisis. He added that the victims of this crisis are not just the doctors but also the patients who recieved bad medical services as a result of reducing the facilities in the hospitals. This statement was a reaction to the circulated note that issued by ministry of health and population that attacked the syndicate describing it as illegal syndicate. Calling all doctors and pharmacists to discontinue their strike for the benefits of the patients.

The physicians, doctors and pharmacists started their strike three weeks ago demanding a special job hierarchy for them in the new wages law.