Does It Really Happen? YEMENI Superstitions – Part II [Archives:2001/04/Culture]

January 22 2001

Mohammed Al-Hakimi, Taiz

Continued from last week:
More Yemeni Superstitions

Have You Ever Tried Your Urine?
Some people believe that urinetherapy is helpful for people who have experienced fearful shocks.
A Knife And Some Salt Will Do!
The purpose of putting a knife with some salt under the patients’ pillow while asleep is driving away devils which may cause delirium.
You Want Your Bride To Obey You? Step on her foot before she is in.
The bridegroom must in some villages put his right foot on his bride’s foot so that he will be obeyed by his wife.
What Doctors Cannot Do Donkeys Can
Undesirable pimples can vanish when hair from a donkey’s tail is tied on them.
Jinns’ Courts
Throwing hot substances and other materials in bathrooms and deserted places is believed to be harmful. Doers may be paralyzed or become mad if they hit the invisible creatures. If a jinn is hit a court session will be held soon inside the doer’s mind until they decide to forgive. During the period of holding those sessions the host is mad.
Your Car May Need A Pair Of Shoes!
Putting shoes or sandals on properties is believed to protect them from the evil eye.
Astrologers May Prevent Your Marriage
Men intending to marry go to astrologers to see whether their would be wives are suitable for them. They also ask about the most suitable day for marriage.
If You Love Your Bride Don’t Let Her Out In The First 8 Days.
If the bride appears to people during the first 8 days she might be in danger of the evil eye, Satan, etc.
Don’t Kill A Snake Unless You Have His Permission
Snakes may be harmful even after they are killed. So don’t kill them unless they refuse to quit even after your polite request. It is believed that some snakes are jinns which can harm you.
Cough and Choke
A sudden choke or cough is sometimes caused by malicious gossip about you. To recover bend part of your clothes or plant a stick in the earth.
Have You Ever Got A Premonition That Something Bad Will Happen
If your eye twitches watch out for a near danger. If you foot itches expect a guest. And if your palm itches expect a good thing to happen to you.
