Environment and development in Yemen [Archives:2002/27/Health]
The republic of Yemen has realized the importance of taking care of the environment and begun taking steps to protect Yemens environmental heritage. The government has recently established an environment protection authority. It is hoped that this will give additional strength to the environment cause in Yemen. One of main problems faced by environmental groups in Yemen is the lack of any environmental awareness in much of society. However, the organization has been working to convey environment awareness to all people and to ensure that development and construction work take environmental factors into consideration. There is a natural and vivacious connection between environment and development for we cannot achieve one without another. In the long term taking care of the natural environment will not only ensure the continuing productivity of the earths resources but will also encourage future investment and development – particularly in the field of tourism.
In the following is presented a few reasons for establishing environmental protection from a development and economic perspective.
Environmental Tourism:
Tourism as a human phenomenon has emerged from an inner need of humans to experience the beauty of natural sights, to take rest in quietness and beauty, and therein to contemplate all the wonderousness of creation. The relation between the environment and tourism is a deep and positive one while the environment provides the most important foundation for tourism.
Tourism increasingly represents an important source of income and foreign currency for many countries. Tourism in Yemen depends on the natural resources such as its beautiful beaches and dive sites, its cultural heritage, and its numerous historical remains, especially its unique urban and religious architectural.
On a world level the island of Socotra represents a unique treasure, as a living, vibrant museum of botanical variety.
For long-term planning of Yemens tourism potential one has to identify which aspects of the environment will appeal to which types of tourists while taking into account the infrastructure tourists require (road, electricity and telecommunications, for instance). Key environmental features to be considered in examining a region for touristic potential are the climate, beaches, coral reefs, water creatures and natural protectorates etc… All these elements are tourist attractions at present. However while there are many economic needs to be taken into account there also be an attempt to preserve these natural wonders for the present and future generations.
In order to fulfill this worthy goal it will be necessary for the government to increase societys awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. Additionally the government must try to encourage people to exploit resources without damaging the environment and to try to limit the harmful behaviour of mankind. This effort must go hand in hand with proper planning and construction of tourist establishments as well a concerted effort to make sure that the income from tourists is used to improve the standard of living for local people in the area.