Environment Pollution Endangers People with Infertility (PART 2) [Archives:2001/33/Health]
Ismael Al-Ghabery
Yemen Times
The analysis and results of more than 61 scientific studies conducted all over the world during the second half of the 20th century indicated that men’s semen is shrinking and becoming too weak to fertilize woman’s ova and this should cause men’s infertility. A team of Danish physicians also confirmed that men’s semen was diminishing during the period of 1938- 1990. The studies proved that semen in men’s fluid shrank from 113 million per milliliter to 66 million per milliliter. Another scientific study proved a similar shrinking in men’s semen the activeness of which declined and became weaker to fertilize ova. The study was conducted on different samples given by volunteers to Paris Bank during the period of 1973- 1992. During the period of 1940- 1969 a scientific study was conducted in Scotland on some volunteers. The result was not of much difference than the Paris Bank studies. The testicles cancer disease, hypsospaias and cryptrochidism were also discovered in so many parts of the world.
The role of environment pollution
A new scientific hypothesis referred to the latest increase of deformity in men’s reproductive system, attributing it to effects of chemical compounds of estrogen activities that are polluting the air, soil, water and everything in our environment. Some scientists believe that the increasing phenomena of living beings infertility is due to the wide-spread of the chemical compounds that are polluting wilderness, woods and all the lands we are living on.
The Polluting Chemical Compounds
Scientists believe that the shrinking of animals growth is due to the rise of environment polluting factors specially whatever produces estrogen such as insecticides DDT, Dieldrin, PCBs, Dioxins, Furans, APEs and Phthalates.
Scientists are using the Vitellogin that is naturally produced in livers of female fish under effect of estrogen as a vital proof on dangerous side effects of chemical compounds of estrogen effect in our environment. Fishes also get estrogen when exposed to dissolution of chemical compounds released from industrial detergents and sewage waste.
Unfortunately chemical compounds of estrogen effects are to be found in abundance in our environment because they are indispensable elements for the agriculture fertilizers. What is worse is that scientists did not discover the side effects of most of these compounds on our health. Most farmers use insecticides without realizing their negative effects on our health. They just seem to be careless about pollution of the food we eat, the water we drink and air we breath.
The hormones in animals meat
Using of hormones in feeding livestocks has become ordinary all over the world because of their fattening characteristics and this is badly affecting consumers, especially pregnant women because the hormone is strong enough to affect the fetus and causes its deformity, the hormone is also strong enough to cause shrinkage of adults semen.
Botanical Estrogens: Botanical estrogens find the way widely open to penetrate into our bodies through our daily food, fortunately the estrogen found in fruits and vegetables is in little quantities i.e. not dangerous enough to cause infertility or decline in the activities of human bodies. The dry food either fruits, vegetables or crops should be preserved in good conditions to prevent the creation of the fungi which have the estrogen effects.
Human bodies could be protected from side effects of the estrogen by observing the following advices:
– Reducing agents which cause environmental pollution especially the products of petroleum refinery of estrogen effects.
– Prohibiting the construction of chemical factories and other industrial workshops close to residential complexes.
– Conducting laboratory check-ups on livestocks meat to be assured they are free from hormones and other chemical compounds before being sold in local markets.
– Fighting plant diseases biologically instead of using chemical insecticides.
– storing the crops under good conditions to avoid their being affected with fungi which produce chemical compounds of estrogen effects.
– Getting rid of plastic wastes which affect the soil and damage the cultivated lands.