European Union supports Human Rights in Yemen [Archives:2005/896/Local News]
SANA'A- Nov. 16- The European Union agreed to support the ministry of Human Rights with 2 million euros in order to assist the plans of protecting and promoting, human rights and democratization.
Although Yemen is classified as one of the 49 least developed countries with over 50% of the population under the poverty line with a pattern of gender differences, Yemen has set a goal for its own transformation in accordance with the Sana'a declaration and the vision of year 2025, which the European Union plays a considerable role in its realization, the EU is providing the 2 million Euros for the National Indicative Program (NIP) agreed with Yemen which's priority is to strengthen Democracy and political pluralism.
The funding is to cover three areas, strengthening the capacity of Yemen's Ministry of Human Rights; developing effective consultation mechanism between human rights and NGO's and government institutions, and providing technical and financial assistance to NGO's.
EU Has always placed great importance in the protection of political pluralism and democracy in Yemen, and advanced this matter as one of its priorities. The EU believes that by working together, Yemen can achieve its goals.