Family planning workshops wrap up [Archives:2003/09/Local News]

February 3 2003

Three workshops on using PROTEC techniques of family planning concluded successfully recently in Sana’a.
The workshops were held from Feb. 22 to 28.
The Yemeni Health and Family Planning program helped organize the three workshops with different Yemeni civil organizations.
The first workshop was held in coordination with the Women’s National Committee. A total of 68 women participated in this training workshop that concluded on Feb. 23.
The second workshop concluded on Feb. 25. About 100 women from the Islah Charitable Society took part in the workshop.
The third workshop concluded on Feb. 26 and was aimed at training chemists and chemist assistants using PROTEC techniques for family planning. Twenty-two chemists and chemist assistants participated in this workshop.
Dr. Bader B. Rashid, chief of the Yemen family health and family planning program, said that the workshops succeeded in achieving their goals. He added that they aimed at training and enlightening the participants on the new means and techniques of PROTEC, which are modern means for family planning that the project has been distributing.
He added that the workshops focused on the great health benefits of these techniques for material and child health, such as birth spacing and other family planning means.
The workshops also provided the right consultations and information on this concern to the participants and trained them to be able to understand family planning means, said Dr. Rashid.
