Fifteen Houses Pulled Down in Asser [Archives:2000/35/Front Page]

August 28 2000

Military forces last Monday randomly opened fire in Asser area in an attempt to vacate houses said to be belonging to the Military. The action sent a wave of panic amongst the inhabitants as 15 houses were demolished instantly and some residents were arrested and taken prisoners to the military jail.
Following the incident, homeless residents appealed to the Speaker to protect them against the repeated attacks by the military police. Meanwhile an informed source revealed that President Saleh has sent a memo to the Cabinet urging them to provide replacement residence to the affected residents of the area.
Elaborating the situation, a Military police commander said that the houses, which belonged to the Military, were used as warehouses. The residents were a one-time security guards. He added that the illegal residents were asked on many occasions to vacate these houses and that action was taken against them on the directives of the Government.
Following the incident a number of victims tried to meet the Vice President; but his guards turned them out.
It is understood that these residents have been living in these warehouses for the past 20 years.
