Final Islamists Case Hearings in Aden [Archives:1999/24/Local News]

June 14 1999

Aden Primary Court has set June 22nd as the deadline for the final hearings by the defense panel and public prosecutor in the trail of 8 Britons, an Algerian and a Tunisian, who were charged with intending to carry out acts of sabotage in Aden.
On another level, a lawyer in the defense panel of Abul-Hassan Al-Mehdhar, leader of the so called Aden-Abyian Islamic Army, stated that the Appeal Court will begin its first session pertaining to this case on Wednesday, June 16th. Last May, Moudiah Primary Court sentenced Abul-Hassan, Abdullah Al-Junaidiy and the Algerian Abu-Hurairah to death. Ali Ahmad A’atef was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment while nine others were found not guilty.