Five times more popular than closest competitor Times is #1 [Archives:2002/50/Front Page]
According to a recent Yemen Times survey, newsstands, shops, and other stores in Sanaa, the Yemen Times tops sale charts compared to all other English-language newspapers, local and international.
The survey, carried out honestly and transparently, revealed that sales of the Yemen Times, on average, are five times more than its closest competitor, and more than three times the sales of all English-language newspapers and magazines combined.
According to the shops surveyed, readers prefer the Times for its:
Honesty, courage, and independence in news reporting;
Variety of news items, topics and categories as there is something for everyone;
Wide international news coverage;
Classified pages in both languages
Greater number of stories and in depth analysis
Greater ‘Letters to the Editor’ interaction
Better distribution;
Better English;
Regular competitions;
Leisure, comics, and other features;
Popularity and reputation first established by the paper’s founder, the late Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf;
Other features.
The gap between the Yemen Times and other competitors gets even wider in other cities such as Taiz and Aden as the popularity of the paper is even greater.
At the same time, Yemen Times Online is five times more popular than all other Yemeni newspapers websites in English or in Arabic.
Hence, the Yemen Times online readership is much greater than that of all other Yemeni newspapers on the Internet.
It was also found that when searching the keyword ‘Yemen’ in the Internet’s largest search engine ‘’ the first result in the search is always ‘Yemen Times.’
Yemen Times has also been quoted in major news networks worldwide including CNN and NBC, and other media outlests such as the Guardian in the UK and radio programs such as the Voice of America more than any other Yemeni newspaper.
The growth and improvements that have led to this unprecedented position among other English newspapers in Yemen has also convinced local and international advertisers to advertise often, promote themselves and their products in Yemen Times to attract recognition from a large audience and achieve their marketing objectives.
“We value our advertisements in Yemen Times, and know that every advertisement published reaches its target audience and makes a big difference for us,” said one of the regular advertisers of the Yemen Times.