Floral Honey & Its Use for Medical Treatment [Archives:2000/30/Health]

July 24 2000

Tawfeek Al-Shara’abi
Yemen TimesSince early times people have been giving honey a special rank. It has been very widely used for treatment of various ailments. With the passage of time, many scientists and researchers started making researches on honey, its ingredients, advantages, etc. Now there has been a global trend towards using honey in the treatment of many diseases which were considered incurable. There has also been a rapid increase in centers for the very purpose of studying the ingredients of honey and how it can be used to treat diseases.
Floral honey produced all over the world carry much variation in its characters. In the last few years, many types of floral honey have become more popular in many countries. Besides, the distinctive curative properties of certain types of honey in some diseases increased the demand on those types of honey.
Honey is that sugary material collected by bees from the nectar of roses transform it inside cells to ripe honey subsequently stored in their honeycombs. It’s a gift from God that they can transform it into that natural sweet substance generating vigor, energy and strength. Honey is the only food that never spoil with the passage of time. It may keep its nutritious value for a long time if stored in a proper way. It is number one in terms of high calorific value.
Strenuous efforts and hard work of many scientists have resulted in discoveries which confirm that honey is very much helpful to treat many incurable diseases, to the extent that it has been adopted as one of the most sophisticated and modern techniques to treat diseases in many hospitals of advanced countries. New studies have shown that there are different types of honey. Each type has many advantages and is used to treat specific kinds of diseases. Consumers have to be aware of these kinds so as to select the type which is suitable for certain use. This presentation aims at throwing light on most of the components of different types of honey, some of which are as follows:
1) Nigella Honey:
It is considered to from of the most important herbs that has a potential medical value and which is used by many people all over the world. It is a seasonal winter plant planted annually in October and November. The ripe black seeds are the ones that are used medically – which according to medical studies – contain two kinds of oil: 30-35% immutable oil and 1-1.5% volatile oil that contain Nigellone which is of a high medical value. Nigellone is proved by medical studies to strengthen the immune system which helps the body to resist diseases. However,the glucose and Nigellone found in a concentrated form in Nigella honey help a lot to strengthen heart muscles.
This is also very substantial for those people who suffer from diabetics as it contains many oxidized materials which make assimilating its sugar easier in the body in comparison to other kinds of honey. It is also effective in terms of decreasing the fats and activating blood circulation which helps the body to immunize against diseases. It is very useful in acute chest pains and feeling of chest congestion. That is why many doctors advice to have one tea spoon of this honey before every meal.
2) Marjoram Honey:
It is a herbal plant grown in fields and mountains. Medical studies showed that leaves of this plant contain volatile oils including terpinol, geraniol which have potent effect in bronchial asthma. It also helps in cases of dysmenorrhea and preeclamsia in women due to its sedative effect and diuretic action. Marjoram contains phospholipids which is the essential component of prostaglandin. It is also considered to be a tranquilizer which relieves cholysystitis and biliary colic. It is found useful in peptic ulcers as it relieves pains and decreases acidity. It helps to relieve heart burn, emesis, constipation and haemorrage as well. It’s useful in intestinal inflammations, digestive troubles and for treatment of fevers. One tea spoon of this honey is advised before breakfast and after dinner.
3) Banana Honey:
Researches revealed that the highest level of potassium, phosphorus and iron are found in banana honey. It contains high percentage of Zinc, Copper and manganese. So it is useful in hypochromic cases and severe anemia as it increases R.B.Cs and Hb%. It also contains high percentage of carbohydrates and vitamins A&C. It is a good source for increasing the appetite and weight, especially in case of children. Thus, it is very much advisable to be added to the diet of growing up children. The high percentage of calcium and potassium helps a lot in improving growth of bones. It also helps in cases of severe diarrhea.
The high percentage of Iron and phosphorous which are included in the composition of chromatin of cells helps a lot in discharging several vital activities.
It is advisable to have one table spoon of this honey three times a day.
4) Sweet Basil Honey:
Sweet basil is originally planted in India. It is planted for its sweet fragrance or for the purpose of extracting oil useful in preparing medicine to treat mouth, teeth, gums diseases. This oil is also used for treatment of skin diseases such as abscesses, carbuncles, skin Tb and erysipelas.
Sweet basil works as a tranquilizer and improves muscle pains, rheumatism and gout. It improves muscle spasm. It is used as a face mask to renew cells and also in surgical cells. It is used in surgical dressing and in the treatment of burns and wounds. Other uses of this honey are for the treatment of kidney cases, migraine, for hair beauty, to prevent nocturnal enuresis in children and in the treatment of genital infections such as trichomonas and inflammation of urethra and vagim.
One tea spoon of this honey is preferable in the morning and at night.
5) Coriander Honey:
Coriander is a common spice. The oil extracted from it is used in medical industries. It has been widely used since old times to treat diseases of digestion. It contains high percentage of Linalol which relieves contractions of stomach and intestine. It also prevents constipation, flatulence and is useful in intestinal inflammations and digestive troubles. One tea spoon of this honey is preferred after meals.
Granulation of Honey:
It is known that all types of honey must be granulated at a time; some of it granulate immediately while others stay in liquid state months or years, some of them granulate homogeneously while others leave a part as a liquid on the surface.
Some people believe that granulated honey is mixed with sugar but this is not true because natural honey crystallizes and can be returned again to liquid state by using water bath.
