Freedom of expression a must [Archives:2002/33/Focus]
Every day, the whole world is undergoing to considerable changes. Continual change and development has included all walks and aspects of life and contemporary life has become spread all over our spacious country. Despite all that our culture is still suffering from limitedness of change and development because of restrictions imposed by some officials upon the educated and talented people. Even the mass media have been suffering from burdens of the past heritage characterized by backward mentality overcome by fear for the private interest and cheap biddings. Our culture has not received its share of change and development that affected some aspects of our economic life. Some backward mentalities are still in control of our culture, imposing their will and ideas on our intellectuals and culture. Those conducts and practices are still prevalent despite the rights the constitution and the political democratic policy in our country have guaranteed to us.
Unquestionably, every Yemeni knows well that his duty is to preserve his country and take part in efforts for its development and progress besides his right to honorable and dignified life, such as living, secure lodging, freedom of work, travel and freedom of election and expression and thought.
The freedom of expression is one of the human rights not the right of authority. Some societies have experienced the freedom of expression even before they were aware that it was one of their rights, such as the Greeks and Romans at the beginning of their states. Also the Arabs in some periods of their state had experienced the freedom of expression before they did comprehend it was one of the human rights.
It is a fact to say that there is no meaning of democracy without respect to the freedom of opinion and expression. Being deprived of both there is no presence or recognition of human rights.