From Israel, the Message is Clear [Archives:2001/07/Focus]

February 12 2001

By: Hassan Al-Haifi
uite a lot of people, it seems, are surprised by the “spectacular” victory in the Prime Ministerial election in Israel and quite a few were ready to suggest that, for all practical purposes the peace process was shelved for now. Surely, the demagogues of the Zionist dream of Israel from the “Euphrates to the Nile have cause to celebrate. This is not so much because Ariel Sharon, a classic butcher from the School of Zionist Arrogance and Contempt for All Human Values has become the Head of State of Israel, but because of the war of nerves that parallels the more vehement physical confrontation between the stone throwers and their far better equipped adversaries, equipped with every killing tool in the possession of the Israeli Defense and Security Forces, and because the confrontation has taken on a more obvious manifestation of how the line up should appear. Moreover, the election has clearly shown where the course of the conflict could be heading towards, as dogmatic Zionists openly express their option for the violent confrontation over the peace alternative which the United States has been trying unsuccessfully to engineer.
Why the surprise? It should have been clear and obvious to any careful observer of the Middle East arena that when Ariel Sharon made that devious trek into Al-Haram Al-Sharif with a show of force of some 3,000 elite Israeli troops, that the Zionist kitchen was cooking up a strategic move that was to effect the course of events in the area for some time to come, and to assure the world that as far as the Zionist movement was concerned, there is no desire or haste in achieving any peace. Such Zionist tactical moves supercede any political or partisan considerations as far as the Israelis are concerned and are meant to outdo the more than 10 years of “hard work” that lead to nowhere from Dennis Ross and the other diplomatic engineers in the Department of State, where the Zionist lobby has made considerable inroads, especially since the Dr. Henry Kissinger took over as a leading mastermind of American foreign policy with hanging influence even to this day. As much as one is bound to concur that there is quite a lot of genius in Dr. Kissinger’s perspectives of the global international relations scene, one is also bound to think that there is a temptation in human beings to yield to sentiment, not just for sentiment’s sake, but also as it would seem the right thing to do. This is either in gratitude for smoothing the way in the climb of Mr. Kissinger to the most important diplomatic post in the world, or in anticipation of further bolstering the personal achievement of the flamboyant Dr. Kissinger in the social sphere. In any case, since Mr. Kissinger’s reign in the State Department, it was obvious to the keen observer that the image of the State Department and its inclinations have significantly changed and diplomatic engineers of the likes of Dennis Ross have been able to keep the peace process on tortoise speed, in view of the awesome difficulties of not knowing how to use the tools of persuasion that the United States possesses in the area, except to convince our nave Arab rulers that they should understand the sentimental implications of the conflict and the political considerations involved in Israel and the United States.
One should never underestimate the phenomenal capabilities and very influential position of the international Zionist establishment and the intricacies of planning, operations and unbending commitment to the Zionist cause to which all the various international, regional and national Zionist institutions, that fall under this Zionist umbrella are characterized by, not to mention the precision in the coordination of their tactics and modus operandi.
So what if Ariel Sharon is the Prime Minister of the dogmatic state of Israel? Has anything really changed? How can people be so gullible? Mr. Ehud Barak was fully aware of what the motives behind Ariel Sharon’s feat of mischief over four months ago were, and what needed to be done as far as the Zionist establishment was concerned. Not only was Ehud Barak fully aware of the intentions of Sharon, but also blessed the intrusion into the Al-Haram Al-Sharif by ordering the safe completion of Sharon’s insult to Islamic sanctity, not so much because Mr. Sharon was a Jew, who should not be allowed to Islamic houses of worship, which is not the issue here, but because Mr. Sharon, unlike all his predecessor’s is openly proud of his blood stained record. Had Barak wanted to prevent Sharon’s feat of real manifested Zionist pride, he could have. However, that would be overstepping his role, as far as the Zionist establishment has defined this role and laid out the scenario for the short-lived short-term premiership of the wily Barak. In this context, local politics and partisan persuasions take on secondary importance, even if it means “resigning” from the Prime Minister’s job for no apparent political reason and if there was no threat of “no confidence” facing the Prime Minister, and even if Mr. Barak has not been unfailing in sticking to the Zionist philosophy that the only good Arab is a dead Arab, even if they were Israeli citizens. Incidentally, this observer felt that the many apologists and expert analysts rushed to blame the Israeli Arabs for helping to make the Sharon victory and killing the chances for “peace”. It would be rather insulting if the Israeli Palestinians were to let bygones be bygones and accept “Barak’s apology” for killing and persecuting so many Arabs, who have no illusions about where they stand in the Zionist dream and the contempt they have to live with from both their Arab brethren and the obvious hatred they have to undergo because the Israelis have no desire of sharing their ‘Promised Land” with people of other persuasions. There is an obvious conclusion to be drawn from all this that at least for now, one truly sees where the mentality of the Israelis is really pointed at, after having remained the coloring that the Arab Israeli vote used to bring into Israeli politics, where it was believed that the Arab vote played a pivotal role in strengthening the “dovish” inclinations of many Israelis. Now, it appears that nothing could be further that the truth. Anyone prepared to make the adventure to the Holy Land under the Zionist banner must surely understand that Sharon is the true manifestation of the way of thinking of all the demagogues that make up the overwhelming majority of the citizenry of the State of Israel. Therefore, it is clear here that there is really nothing to be surprised about. On the other hand, when your role has been played out, you must be prepared to step aside and let someone else be the henchman for the Zionist establishment and there is no second thinking involved or personal implications to stand in the way of proceeding forward with the Zionist designs, as visualized by the Zionist long-range planners and short-term tacticians.
Common Sense has suggested on numerous occasions that there can be no inclination for the Zionist establishment to interrupt their drive for the Promised Land and the execution of God’s will (forgive me Lord, if I mistakenly associated your mercy and idea of justice with these demagogues), as they see it, in its entirety. In the minds of such mystical fairy tale minds and arrogant illusions there is no desire for a “permanent peace” yet, nor is one needed, since after all the war has been obviously going their way and there is progress every time one Palestinian is killed and one kibbutzim erected, even if it means driving out helpless unarmed families from their homes, as Ben Wederman of CNN noted in an account he gave of how the Palestinians are systematically being uprooted to make room for the execution of “God’s will” Furthermore, this column has always insisted that the role players in the Israeli political theater must fully understand what they have to do and when, whether in the “local” political theater of Israel or in the places, where Zionist influence rules supreme, and there should be no illusions that Ehud Barak’s dovish image was any attempt by Barak to deviate from this line.
Notwithstanding the obvious tone in the election of Sharon to the job of Prime Minister of Israel as far as the Palestinians were concerned, but one wonders also that if the United States were also expected to understand that there is also a message in this Israeli election for them also. That will be learned very shortly.
