GAPDYI receives European Fellowship [Archives:2004/801/Local News]

December 23 2004

By Yemen Times Staff
In recognition of the success of the First International Conference on Investment Opportunities in Yemeni Islands, the European Marketing and Promotion Association (EMPA) has awarded the General Authority for Promotion and Development of Yemeni Islands (GAPDYI) the European Fellowship EMPA.
In an exclusive statement to the Yemen Times, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Tarab said the European Fellowship EMPA is granted to outstanding and successful establishments as well as scientific conferences.
“We have decided to give this certificate of merit in appreciation of the efforts and success achieved by the Conference and its results and recommendations that serve tourism development in the Yemeni islands,” added Dr. Al-Tarab.
The conference was held from Nov. 30-Dec.2 in the capital city of Sana'a and was attended by a large number of national, and foreign investors and experts.