Gas and oil carriers are released in Abyan and Shabwa [Archives:2007/1080/Local News]
SHABWA, Aug. 26 ) Local sources in Shabwa governorate, north to the capital city of Sana'a, revealed that the tribes of Al-Fayadh released 39 gas carriers last Sunday after detaining them for 24 hours. Al-Sahwah net said that the release of gas and oil carriers came after the local authorities' commitment to interfere to release their detainees over old revenge issue.
A tribal group belonged to Al-Fayadh tribe in As-Sa'eed district in Shabwa governorate detained more than 30 carriers last Saturday. Most of these carriers belong to strategic gas project in Al-Sha'ba area located between Al-A'rm and Al-Na'qabah areas in Huban district. The group refused to release the carriers until their demands are met. They demanded the release of two persons accused of killing Mohammed Muhsen Al-Babkri one year ago in Huban city. The issue is reviewed by the Primary Court of Huban.
The two accused persons face death penalty and imprisonment, which make the local authority as well as security refuse to meet their tribal demands. The security committee held an urgent meeting last Saturday and Sunday to investigate the problem and look for a possible solution for it.
The tribal group which detained the carriers said that the two accused persons are innocent, demanding the application of the law on everybody. The group added that the issues of the area should not be treated or dealt with in different ways. The tribesmen attempted to find solutions for the discrimination problem which the security as well as authority deals with. However, the problem is still going on and the measures undertaken by the security committee in the governorate are not known yet.
Worth-noting, one of the tribes in Al-Mahafad district in Abyan governorate blocked the road and detained 12 carriers of the same kind. The tribesmen did so to demand the release of their relatives who were detained in Al-Manssourah prison in Aden governorate for four months. However, there were some promises to release them
Likewise, two oil carriers and nine vehicles were detained over the crisis that took place between the local authority and Al-Maraqasha in Zonjubar three days before the incident occurred. This came as retaliation from Al-Maraqasha tribemen because the local authority detained four sheiks of their clan without any charges.