German Ambassador congratulates YT [Archives:2006/1001/Front Page]

November 23 2006

Dear Ms. Al-Sakkaf,
On behalf of the German Embassy in Sana'a, I would like to congratulate you and your team on the occasion of publishing 1,000 issues of the Yemen Times.

Over the past 15 years, the newspaper founded by your late father has been one of the most important sources of information – not only for the expatriate community – but also for your country regarding the major developments in Yemen.

Professional, investigative, critical and impartial – these are just some of the attributes that best characterize the Yemen Times and its staff. It's always a pleasure to read the well-researched top stories, the outspoken editorials and comments and the important analyses of economic sectors, as well as social and cultural affairs.

The German Embassy looks forward to continuing its excellent relations with you and your newspaper and, once again, wishes you and your team all the best!

Yours sincerely,

Frank M. Mann

German Ambassador, Sana'a

Nov. 2006