Glass, His Favorite Dish [Archives:2001/25/Last Page]

June 18 2001

Wherever he goes, he never comes to forget his bag which is full of glass. Mr. Ameen Hassan Mabkhoot, 27, from Amran, is such a glass addicted person. His stomach can not digest meat. However, it can dissolve and digest glass of all kinds.
Mr. Ameen Hassan said “My first experience to eat glass was 17 years ago. I was 10 years old at the time. I had a sad experience while I was walking on a street. I trampled on a piece of glass. It hurt my leg. Out of anger I pulled it out and ate it. I hurt my mouth, throat and stomach. I was rushed to hospital. However, the pain soon subsided. Ever since glass has been my favorite meal.
Ameen told YT “I love the glass of side mirrors of Monika and Layla Alawi cars. They are such a delicious and appetizing meal for me.”
Doctors considered his case as normal as enzymes secreted by his stomach are able to digest and dissolve glass. Ameen does not eat meat as it causes him indigestion.
Many news agents have spotlight on Ameen and interviewed him including the CNN and other local and Arab newspapers.
