GPC Appoints Dr. Al-Qubaty as Chairman of Political & Foreign Affairs Department [Archives:2001/19/Local News]
Dr. Mohamed Abdulmajeed Al-Qubaty was appointed formally last week by H.E. President Ali Abdullah Saleh as the Chairman of the Political & Foreign Affaires Department of the General People’s Congress (GPC).
Dr. Al-Qubaty is a renowned prominent individuals who has been an effective member of the GPC for the past years. Regarding this latest appointment, Dr. Al-Qubaty said, “As the GPC as a whole, we have many set goals in mind. First of all, the GPC is reorganizing its structure and methods of organization towards forming a true democratic party with proper institutions towards achieving its already set program. The restructuring involves the decentralization of the party in a democratic basis to give its branches all capabilities and readiness to participate in major decisions on the local platforms.”