Graduates face little opportunities & haphazard recruitment [Archives:2005/838/Business & Economy]
Mahyoub Al-Kamaly
Graduates frequenting labour market have said the process of haphazard employment, without specifying definite job, at majority of government establishments, is doubling and aggravating their suffering, unemployment and retreat in chances of gaining work opportunities. They have added that that would raise the proportion of employees who do not have specific jobs but the increase in the volume of surplus labour.
Graduates consider the process of recruitment at government institutions as not being carried out according to certain mechanism and taking into consideration the need of this department or that administration based on criteria of civil service. They say such an employment process is conducted according to non-administrative rules and procedures implemented via mediations. This situation leaves some graduates no room to benefit from those opportunities because they are not able to find anyone to assist them in obtaining jobs.
The graduates also believe that the result of haphazard recruitment and not selecting proper elements qualified for jobs of certain specialties, has created surplus labour and caused a state of confusion and non-coordination of work inside the same administration due to non-equation of qualifications of employees working in some government establishments.
Meanwhile, the graduates demand from the ministry of civil service and securities to amend some laws and legislations pertaining to employment at all institutions of the state in a manner to be circulated among all those establishments to be followed in the future.
The aim is to keep pace with administrative developments enacted at institutions of other countries, where no officials have the ability to violate laws and authorities granted to him, as is the case in our government departments. Unemployed graduates also demand the ministry to act quickly in beginning to liquidate and settle the question of those elements, which some reports proved are practicing more than one job at more than one institution and receive two salaries.
They add those cases must be ended. There are thousands of graduates from Yemeni and Arab universities looking for jobs with government institutions but have no chance and are always told the hated phrase of “No Vacancies”. They query for how long the problem of job duality would remain without proper solution, while university graduates roam the streets in search for a job to no avial.
They also emphasize and appeal to the government to go ahead in administrative apparatus reforms, as they are a necessity for activation of government machinery performance and eliminate those negative phenomena. Among such measures are the implementation of print and photo draft law on jobs and salaries and the national strategy for wages.
All that is with the hope of being able to raise the standard of government services quality and laying down a foundation of values, equality, justice and transparency.