Health achievements after twelve years of unification [Archives:2002/23/Health]
June 3 2002

On this memorable day Yemenis forget whatever misfortunes occurred in the past. The happiness that they felt at that time left all pain behind. They pondered about the future and prosperity of the two parts under one leadership and one power.
Their long awaited dream finally came true on this day. It came at a time of desperation and hopelessness, to revive the feelings as well as the sentiments of the people and give hope for a better future.
The unity was not only a great example of social peace among the Yemenis but it was also a tremendous deed of their dreams, hopes, ambitions and prospects for the future. To achieve these hopes democracy was adopted as a path for modernization, advancement, and social equality. All these essentials and good values are associated with the unity.
Health achievement of the past 12 years
It is true that man is the powerhouse of development and progress of his society. This can be reflected through improving health conditions. Health has become an integral part of social development. There is no real development unless there is an improvement in health conditions for the people. A proper study of health conditions in Yemen should be directed by the Health Ministry.
Much information on this topic has been revealed on health conditions in Yemen over the last 12 years.
A Yemen Times reporter has met up with Dr. Showki al-Moweri and asked him about the achievements accomplished in the public health in general and in particular the field of malaria . The establishment of the Yemeni unification helped a lot to improve the health sector through a unified joint vision. This has been done through determining strategies and a five year plan. As a result of difficulties faced by the country due to developments during the 1990s, including the Gulf War and the 1994 civil war the government had left no stone unturned to promote the health sector. Several hospitals and health center were erected, al-Moweri said.
The government has been mapping out a strategy to exterminate the infantile paralysis. Recently, the government has launched immunization campaigns against the several infectious diseases.
The national center was established in Abyan with a view of reducing malaria. Studies and research related to these areas have been conducted.
In August, last year the political leadership adopted a national day to reduce malaria. The initiative taken by the president to diminish malaria represents a positive response welcomed by the leadership to take a keen interest in this respect, al-Moweri further noted.
Malaria is one of the most serious diseases in Yemen. More than 15,000 people die every year as a result of malaria, al-Moweri added. The ministry of health has adopted the 2nd five year plan, (2001-2005). The national program for malaria control plays a vital role in this aspect. Different courses have been held in collaboration with WHO to train qualified medical cadres. They have been distributed to regions where malaria is found.