Heated Discussion Over the  Budget of the year 2000 [Archives:1999/47/Local News]

November 22 1999

Heated discussion is nowadays going on inside the parliament on the state budget for 2000. Along with it goes fierce opposition by a majority of MPs representing all political parties. The opposition focuses on the budget and on the Parliament’s speaker, Abdulla Ben Hussain Al-Ahmar’s and others determined attempt to pass the budget.
Against this attempt, the political blocs of the parties represented in the parliament, namely the Arab Baath Socialist Party, Nasirit Unionist Party, the Islah party and the independents issued a statement opposing the way the discussions are carried out by the parliament. The statement also demands entering into a new era, in the year 2000, an era where the citizen enjoys security, stability and improvement of living standards in addition to securing health and education services as well as nationwide equal citizenship.