Hijacking a United Nations Vehicle in Sana’a [Archives:1999/16/Local News]
On Tuesday, April 13th,on Djibouti Street, only a few meters from the World Bank building in Sana’a and near the Central Office of the Political Security, a group of armed men attacked the driver of a ‘Land Cruiser’ Model car belonging to the National Council of Housing and Population, a division of the UN mission to Yemen. They stole the car and ran away. The UN Office immediately informed the Security Forces. Within less than an hour the forces surrounded the building in which the car was parked, an incompleted building that belongs to a Minister in the current government.
Sources say that the gunmen were hosted by the building’s guard. They say he assisted them in changing the vehicle’s plate number into a military plate number.
The security forces confronted the thieves and one of the armed men was killed, while two others were seriously injured. Two civilians who were passing through that area at the time were wounded.